Luxembourg welcomes thousands of foreigners within its borders. What then does it mean to go "home” – is it an exact destination or just the imaginary place where you feel protected, safe, beloved or at least not threatened?...
"HOME" is an artistic project organized by Art-Management, an art consulting company working on the edge of art and business. The project is based on contemporary art and aims to help ALIN project (Atelier-Langue-Inclusion-Nouvelles technologies), a workshop on language, inclusion and new technologies from the Luxembourg Red Cross. 10% of the artwork sales will go to this association.
Meet the artists and their artworks at Foundry every Saturday in June 2021 - 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th between 14:00 and 20:00. Due to Covid-19 regulations, space is limited and pre-registration is mandatory via email / sms to / +352 661 311 205.