Perro con Todo / HotDogs Venezuelan Style - Afterwork 2nd. Round
Friday, 28 February 2020
^^Perro con Todo / Hot Dogs Venezuelan Style^^
2nd. Round.
The hot dog is one of the most popular fast food dishes across geographies. As it is served all over the world, the dish is usually given a personal touch in each city it is being served - ingredients, sauces, bread, specific spices, etc.
Venezuelans are definitely part of the hot dog fan club and have created their very own version of this delicious dish. Eating a Venezuelan hot dog means having a whole array of ingredients – sauces and toppings - to be added at your discretion. The most common dressings include tartar sauce, cabbage, stick fries, garlic sauce and guasacaca.
In Venezuela’s main cities there are hence many ways to ask for a “ hot dog”, but the most common phrase a hot dog seller will hear is: Dame un perro con todo “Give me a dog with everything”; which basically means a hot dog with all the available ingredients – no need to be frugal. So, when you taste a hot dog with Venezuelan seasoning you will enjoy a bite with a unique flavour, and chances are that you’ll order a second one with the famous phrase… “Give me a dog with everything”. Dame un "Perro con todo"!
Music by Ionn Connor and Gustavo Morales Aka Dj Ghost
Special guest: TBA...
Friday, 28 February 2020
from 5pm till 9pm.
Hotdogs / Drinks / Music
Entrance: 5€ (1 Drink incl.)
Artwork by Gobi Izquierdo
Soon more info...