Flea market in the theme of "The Return of the Goddesses"
This is a cozy, and relaxed flea-market organized by women for women, who want to sell their best stuff before the next season begins and meet and network with other like-minded people. In the theme of sustainability and womanhood, come and sell your stuff which is still in good shape but no longer has a meaning or a function for you. Clothes, shoes, accessories etc. Spread the word and get people on the move to join the event and enjoy of the great relaxed atmosphere at Foundry.
Free access for buyers and other curious people.
The price for sellers is 25 euros. The number of places available is limited (max. 40). Every seller gets a dedicated spot, which has a desk and a bench as a selling space. First come first serve basis for reservations. The reservation is only valid after you have made the payment. Registration and payment through the link provided. We will provide you with guidelines for do's and dont's. If the weather is nice, part of the market will be outdoors in the amazing Foundry gardens.
There will be music and food available on site.
Place: Foundry
38, route d'Esch
1470 Luxembourg
Parking on the surrounding streets.
Time: if you come to sell, set-up starts at 8.30
Event will be as of 9.30 to 16.00.
This is a privately organised event at Foundry facilities. For further queries, please contact Natascha Ewert via the Facebook event page (see link below).