Poetry reading and book presentation — Nika Nizza
In vino veritas or in poetry lies the truth?
Nika Nizza invites you to find your answer to this question in her new book “Fake picture”.
Nika Nizza is a young writer born in Kazakhstan and raised in Russia. Since her childhood, she has been traveling a lot, finding her inspiration in foreign cultures and new people. Today, Nika is residing in Luxembourg, creating poems to share her insight into the modern society gained while traveling in Asia and Europe.
Nika Nizza will let you discover the world of poetry full of magic rhymes and present you her new book on 5 March 2020 at 19:30 at Foundry. The event will be organized in collaboration with Kazakhstan-Luxembourg Cooperation a.s.b.l.
Free entrance and one free drink will be provided to assure your poetry mood.
Please register to confirm your presence: